Jo Ounstead Counselling FdSc in Person Centred Counselling
Dip in Integrative Psychosexual Therapy, MBACP (Accred)

How Can Therapy Help?

You may have found yourself here for many reasons - most of us experience some time in our lives which is difficult. It is at times like this, when your normal ability to cope deserts you, that counselling can offer the support that you need.
It is not surprising, given the expectations and judgements of our society and those around us, that at times we lose ourselves to external demands and pressures. I offer a practice that centres on the individual or couple and which is concerned with building trust and confidence in your own power to heal and grow yourself.

The counselling relationship is underpinned by a genuine and accepting companionship where you can share your problems in confidence and this can help you feel less isolated and alone.

Entering into a counselling relationship shows self-respect, courage and a willingness for things to be different. It presents an opportunity to deepen your relationship with yourself and attend to your inner world - providing the capacity for greater self understanding. This insight and knowledge of yourself then has the potential to extend into your relationships with others and can be hugely enriching and growthful.

I believe that we each possess the potential to heal and grow in a way that allows us to live our lives the best way we can. However, at times of difficulty - when we are troubled personally or struggling in our relationships with others - we often lose trust and confidence in our ability to be self directing. This is when therapy can be helpful.

"Dear Jo, You walked with me and helped me understand where I am going."
"Dear Jo, Thank you for your support. It has meant a great deal to me and has helped me to look at all aspects of my life and myself with a new perspective."

FdSc in Person Centred Counselling, Dip Integrative Psychosexual Therapy

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